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The training course “E-ACT. European Active Citizens Today” is an Erasmus + Key Action 1 Mobility of youth workers project, financed by European Commission, which was hosted by the Association SOS Diritti e Legalita from Rome.

There were 7 participating countries: Italy, Armenia, Ukraine, Belarus, Romania, Greece, Portugal, each country presented by 3 participants.

“Educational and Cultural Bridges” NGO, was presented by 3 participants, and one trainer – Arpine Kostanyan, the president of EC Bridges.

The training aimed to help leaders who are working with young people in Europe to develop activities on the theme of European Citizenship. Participants were able to reflect about European citizenship, European identity and Key Values such as participation in the development of democracy and respect for cultural diversity. Discussing, sharing experiences, getting new tools how to foster active citizenship to other youngsters were the main aim of this training course.

The main objectives of the training course were:

-Support the professional development of youth workers and youth leaders by extending their critical understanding of European Citizenship, exploring and experiencing its potential and enabling them to recognize and integrate European Citizenship in their youth work

-Stimulate young people to engage more in society providing them with different tools for empowerment

-Develop and consolidate innovative training approaches in the field of Human Rights and European Citizenship, increasing capability of youth by using alternative methods.

-Make young people multipliers aware of Human Rights and European common values providing them with skills and tools to enhance their activities.

The participants had numerous interesting meetings during the training course with community representatives, city mayor and other representatives; had opportunity to participate in cultural life of the city and learn more about local culture, traditions and Italy in general.

During the intercultural evenings, each country had opportunity to do country presentation and share with others participants their culture, which gave opportunity to young people not only to learn about the topic of the training course, but to share and exchange their opinion and culture.

As a result of E-ACT, the participants discovered about each other’s culture, gained new friends, created new stage for cooperation, as well as explored the 3 interrelated aspects of citizenship: status, rights and responsibilities combined with 4 dimension of citizenship: political, social, economic and cultural. Increasingly young people demonstrated “activity” through volunteering, engagement with public services and democratic participation.